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Re: Netscape SSL-cracker...may be old news...

>By the way, by emailing the source from the US (us.net! har!) you probably 
>just violated ITAR and are now a munitions trafficker.

I didn't see anything in the code which indicated that it contained ITAR, or
any other munitionous code! I don't even know what ITAR is! (What *is*
ITAR?) I don't want to be a munitions trafficker! Ugh!

I have no interest in breaking the law, even if it's a stupid one.
uh...could everyone who got a copy of it outside the US (and inside just to
make sure) please delete it? Thanks.

|    Daniel A. Turner           President, Turner Consulting Group   |
|    2830 Calvert Street, N.W., Suite 2000; Washington, D.C. 20008   |
|   Computer jacks-of-all-trades, specializing in Internet/WWW apps. |
|    202-986-5533(V)         202-986-5532(F)          tcg@us.net(E)  |
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"Yes, it can be done"++